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Medicaid Disenrollment: Know Your Rights

Writer's picture: RRPG 2023RRPG 2023

There are very few parts of life that were not impacted by the COVID pandemic. Ohio’s Medicaid program was no exception. In the beginning of COVID, the federal government relaxed several rules pertaining to how each state administers Medicaid. With the passage of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), the federal government provided states with additional funding for Medicaid coverage.

In exchange for accepting the additional funding, states were prohibited from disenrolling members from Medicaid, even if they were found ineligible. This was to make sure that people who needed the healthcare coverage associated with Medicaid did not lose coverage during the pandemic.

The state of Ohio resumed its normal Medicaid disenrollment operations on February 1, 2023.

What does this mean for you?

It means that people who should have been disenrolled from Medicaid – which includes people who know they are no longer eligible and others who do not realize they have been ineligible – will lose Medicaid coverage. Over the past month and during the next several months, many Medicaid consumers will be asked for additional or clarifying information. There will also be many renewal letters sent from your County Jobs and Family Services asking for additional or supporting information.

Medicaid recipients need to comply and provide requested information in a timely manner.

Many others will receive confusing or misleading correspondence indicating they are no longer eligible for Medicaid. Those individuals will need to react quickly and either appeal or take other action to protect their rights and interests.

When you receive confusing and/or scary letters from Jobs and Family Services, please remember that Resch, Root, Philipps & Graham is here to help. Our team is available to interpret the confusing letters and map out a strategy focused on positive outcomes.

Please know your rights and do not accept the state of Ohio’s foregone conclusions about your or your loved one’s eligibility.



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