We are honored to have been asked by the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council to author books on Representative Payees, Supported Decision Making and Guardianship, and Special Needs Planning for the state of Ohio. See below for ordering instructions for each publication.
Supported Decision Making and Guardianship
Co-Authored by Logan K. Philipps and Derek L. Graham
This information was written for individuals with special needs and their families who need to navigate the often confusing and intimidating world of decision-making, probate court and guardianship.
Click the book cover for a free pdf download.
Planning for Bright Tomorrows: Estate and Future Planning for Ohioans with Disabilities and Those Who Love Them
Co-Authored by Logan K. Philipps and William K. Root
This book provides a complete overview of the different estate planning options available to families and individuals who have a disability.
Click the book cover for a free pdf download.
Representative Payee Handbook
Co-Authored by Logan K. Philipps and Derek L. Graham
Serving as a Representative Payee has caused tremendous anxiety over the years for many of our clients. It is our hope that this handbook provides needed information that is hard to find elsewhere.
Click the book cover for a free pdf download.